The goal of all good instruction is to provide opportunity for all students to learn. We expect students and staff to maintain high standards and strive for continuous improvement. Academic integrity is an essential component of this process. In addition, we expect students to take responsibility for their actions and make appropriate choices that promote academic honesty and a positive learning environment.
This Honor Code document defines academic dishonesty, plagiarism and computer misuse. The examples provided do not represent a comprehensive list.
The progression of discipline will be implemented concurrently across all departments and cumulatively throughout a student’s career at MHHS.
A student’s disciplinary record is considered during the application process for all honor societies. A violation of the Honor Code may impact a student’s continued participation in any honor society and may impact a teacher’s choice to complete recommendation letters for college, scholarships, and other programs.
View a printed agreement for signatures
Definitions and Examples
Academic Dishonesty:
- Cheating - giving, receiving, or accepting assistance on any form of academic assignment or assessment.
- Assessment - any form of academic assignment or assessment. Assessments include (but are not limited to) projects, quizzes, or tests
Some Examples of Academic Dishonesty:
- Verbally sharing information during or after assessments
- Using non-verbal gestures or cues during an assessment to share information
- Copying an assignment in whole or in part from another student
- Unauthorized use of study aides, notes, books, data, electronic devices (ex. calculator) or information during an assessment
- Passing assessment information from one class to members of another class
- Use of any electronic devices (cell phones, calculator, ipod) to compromise any assignment or assessment
- Presenting collaborative work as independent work and independent work as collaborative
- Fabricating data, information or sources in an attempt to pass off made-up material as the result of genuine efforts
Plagiarism is presenting the ideas, words or phrases of others as ones own without acknowledging the source along with proper in-text citation and use of quotation marks or indentation as appropriate (MLA or APA guidelines) as well as bibliography/works cited.
Some Examples of Plagarism:
- Copying and pasting directly from the Internet
- Taking an idea from Spark Notes and using it as an original idea
- Failing to include citations for information taken from research
All students are responsible for their own academic integrity as stated in the Honor Code. Purdue OWL has a wide variety of resources for properly citing sources.
Computer Misuse
Computer Misuse is defined as any violation of HCPSS Policy 8080: Acceptable Use of Technology. HCPSS technology is intended for instructional use and school-related business. Any violation of the Acceptable Use of Technology policy will be addressed as outlined below.
Some Examples of Computer Misuse:
- Accessing data for which users do not have privilege
- Accessing information prohibited by the provisions of this policy and these implementation procedures
- Knowingly deploying computer viruses or software with malicious intent
- Violating copyright laws or the privacy rights of others
- Plagiarizing
- Accessing technology via another user’s account credentials or facilitating unauthorized access
- Using technology on the HCPSS network that is not in compliance with current HCPSS computer standards unless approved in writing by the Superintendent/Designee.
- Bullying/harassment through social networking sites
Consequence and Reflection
First Offense
- Zero on the assignment
- Teacher contacts parent/guardian
- Teacher informs administrator
Second Offense
- Zero on the assignment
- Teacher contacts parent/guardian
- Teacher informs administrator
- Administrator and counselor meet with student
- Saturday School assigned
Third and Subsequent Offense
- Zero on the assignment
- Teacher contacts parent/guardian
- Teacher informs administrator
- Further action/consequence at the discretion of the administrator