Course Registration begins on December 16th

Course Registration begins on December 16th and runs thru January 14th, 2025. At this time, you will be able to review teacher course recommendation and choose elective courses. You will also have the ability to update course recommendations following the Course Placement Review process. 

To prepare you for the course recommendation process, please be sure review HCPSS Connect  . The process for this year is new for families and students. To assist you, please use these resources:

Once you are up to date with the new process in Synergy, these presentations will provide you with an overview of this year's course registration offerings and additional information on the process. These presentations are translated as well. Here is the resource for the translation: Course Registration Translated Transcripts SY2526

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student's school counselor for assistance. 

Student and Family Resources: