AP Exam Registration is Going on Now!

The Registration period for the 2024 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams is open.

For more information about the registration process and Fees click here:


Here are some key dates to keep in mind as you make your final AP exam choices:

Students must have their exam choice selected in the AP Portal by 10/11/23. Make your exam choices by choosing yes or no. Undecided exams in the AP Portal will not be ordered. If you have not joined and selected yes in the AP Portal, we will not order you an exam. 

Invoices for AP exams will be sent out starting on 10/13/23. The invoices will reflect your choices in the AP Portal - so you will only receive an invoice for the exams for which you choose "YES". Invoices will be sent to your parents'/guardians' email addresses that are in Synergy.  You will be able to see the exams for which you are registered in Synergy.   

The following students will not have to pay for AP exams this year: 

Students who are eligible for an AP Exam Fee Reduction.  

Review the College Board Fee Reduction Criteria. to determine eligibility.  

Please complete this waiver form. or email jennifer_whiddon@hcpss.org if you meet the eligibility criteria. 

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future law also requires students who meet the Maryland State Department of Education College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard in both English and mathematics to have free access to AP testing. 

Students and parents can access the HCPSS Connect system (http://www.hcpss.org/connect/ Links to an external site.Standardized Test Scores Tab) to review the scores for the English and mathematics exams. Fees will automatically not be charged to students who meet both the English and mathematics standard. SAT data will continue to be added as students assess during the year. 

Below are the CCR standards: 

English Requirement: Earned a Performance Level 2 or 3 on the Early Fall 2021 English 10 exam or a 3 or 4 on the Spring 2022, Winter 2022/23 or Spring 2023 English 10 exam. 


 Math Requirement: Earned a Performance Level 2 or 3 on the Early Fall 2021 MCAP Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II exam, 3 or 4 on the Spring 2022, Winter 2022/23, or Spring 2023 MCAP Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II exam, earned 4 or 5 on the PARCC Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra II exam, or earned a minimum score of 520 on the math section of the SAT. 

Payments for AP exams are due by 11/10/23. Exams that are not paid for will not be ordered. Payment can be made online by paying the invoices sent through My School Bucks, or by check made out to {School name}.  Check payments MUST be dropped off in the AP mailbox outside Ms. Pinsky's office (located in Student Services). Exams are $98 each this year.   

Registration for an exam or cancellation of an exam after 11/11/23 will incur a late fee of $40 per exam.  Please keep this in mind when making your exam choices.   

AP Timeline 

Until November 10th: Make/confirm exam decisions. 

October 13th – November 10th: Pay exam fees. Payment can be made via cash, check or through My School Bucks 

November 11th – March 11th: Late exam registration ($40 late fee charged) 

May 6-17th: Exam window