Important Schedule Updates

Your child's 2023-2024 schedule will be viewable without teacher info, August 11-18. Full schedules will be viewable, August 23, 2022.

 August 11th thru 18th:

After reviewing your course requests, if you have questions, counselors will address:

  • Missing Graduation Requirement
  • Missing Courses 

Counselors are assigned by last name. To contact your counselors, please review the list below:

  • Veronica Valentine: Grade 9-12 A-Ch
  • Marianne Pizzo:  Grade 9-12 Ci-G
  • Monique Flores: Grade 9-12 H-Le
  • Andrew Johnson: Grade 9-12 Li-O
  • Danny Ives: Grade 9-12 P- She
  • Janet Gers: Grade 9-11 Shi- Z

Starting August 23rd:

Please review our schedule change process

For schedule changes please review the following expectations:

  1. Student and Counselor will engage in discussion regarding Schedule Change Request; this includes level changes.  Counselors will communicate with classroom teachers to get input on request. 
  2. Once a schedule change form is initiated, the student completes the form by getting  parent, and teacher signatures. Once complete, the student will return the  form to the school counselor.
  3. Schedule changes will be submitted for administrative approval.
  4. Once approved, students' schedules will be updated with the changes within 24-48 hours. Students should not attend new courses until it is changed in Synergy and an updated schedule is ready.
  5. Once the schedule change is finalized, an email will go to the student and classroom teacher with the start date. 

Forms available for your requests

Course Placement Review

Questions? Please contact MHHS Student Services or your school counselor. Thank you!